Something for Everyone

Choose from our varied menu of activities

Either on your own or with one or more friends just have fun practicing or playing a casual game. Rinks for this purpose are available from 10am till dusk most days, when not booked for competitions or matches.

Roll up for fun
There are regular games organised every Monday morning by one of our senior bowlers. It's a fun way to learn our sport.

Throughout the season there is a programme of matches, either home or away, against other Sussex clubs. The majority are played on Wednesday or Weekend afternoons. These matches are a bit more competitive but are also social occasions enjoyed by near beginners as well as experience bowlers.

On Tuesday evenings the Club has teams in the Mid-Sussex and the John Spriggs Leagues for games at a somewhat more competitive level.

Club Competitions
The Club organises 12 competitions for members to enjoy ranging from the Ladies' and Men's Singles to Pairs and Triples in various formats including the Broomfield Cub specifically designed for new bowlers.

National and County Competitions
Those members wishing to test themselves against bowlers from other clubs enter these competitions either on their own or with other club members.

Short Mat in the Winter
Very relaxed short mat games take place in the well heated Pavilion during the winter on Tuesday and Friday afternoons. All are welcome - just turn up and play.

Fun and friendship
During the summer our social activities are often connected to bowls games. We enjoy teas in the pavilion during Friendly games against other clubs affording time to chat and make friends. Barbecue or fish and chip suppers may follow a fun bowls drive. During informal games or practice sessions we usually make time for tea and biscuits and a chinwag. During the winter our social programme gets into full swing with a full range of activities that we enjoy while keeping in touch with our summer bowling friends. Recent winter programmes have included the following activities in the Pavilion all laid on with a simple meal at modest cost.

Race Night ** Skittles ** Quiz ** Bingo ** Christmas party

In addition towards Christmas we hold an Annual Dinner where we enjoy a social evening and congratulate competition winners. All of these activities help new members to get to know other members and to feel they belong. See the currently arranged social activities under Social in the Members Area.