Club News

A Right Royal Roll Up!

 28-May-2024  Helen Suter

Come and join in A Right Royal Roll-Up to celebrate our King's Birthday.

Date: Thursday 13th June

Time: Arrive 4.00pm Bowling at 5.00pm (12 ends, casual dress)

Food/Refreshments: Ploughmans Plate, Bar open

Cost: £6 per player, £4 non-player (Spectators welcome)

Enter online via the website or add your name to list displayed at the Pavilion

Any questions? Contact Ian Scutt on 07736409098

Open Day

 14-May-2024  Helen Suter

Following a very successful Open Day on Sunday, the 5th May we want to continue the trend and get lots of people down to the Club. Our next Open Day is Saturday 25th May and it would be lovely to see lots of our members on the day, playing bowls, helping out and enjoying refreshments too.  Bring along a friend or neighbour who may want to find out a bit more and spread the word.

Remember to tell any friends/neighbours they should wear Flat Shoes please.

Timings are: 10.00 until 4pm.  

For any further information, ring Jan on 07783725062

Coffee Morning

 03-Apr-2024  Helen Suter

Looking forward to seeing lots of you on Saturday 13th April at 10.00am for a coffee at the Pavillion. Come along, find out what is planned for the new season, reconnect with other members again and generally catch up. Oooh and did we mention pastries too - mmmm.

Curry and Skittle Night

 15-Mar-2024  Helen Suter

A date for your diary if you'd like a fun evening of skittles. 

Friday 15th March at 7.00pm we are holding an evening of skittles and a hot meal.

Food will include a curry or vegetable curry and rice or, if pre-ordered, cottage pie. Please ring Ian (07736409098) if you want to order the cottage pie option.

Cost is £7.50 per person for the evening. The bar will be open. If you want to join us please add your name(s) on the website (under fixtures list), on the list in the pavilion or by email to Ian Stutt -

Make an evening of it as friends and family are welcome. 

Fun Quiz and Cake afternoon

 15-Feb-2024  Website Editor

Don't have much to do on a dull, dreary February afternoon.  Come and join in the fun at a Quiz and Cake event.  This will take please on Thursday 15th February at the Newick Bowls Clubhouse.  It will start at 2pm and the cost is £5 per person to include the quiz, prizes, tea and cake.  Please sign up at the Clubhouse.

If you have any special dietary requirements please let Ian Scutt know by Monday 12th February by contacting Ian on  07736409098